Website Video

Someday, all websites will run on well-produced video.  Today, few do.  And many examples you’ll find are too cheap, too long, too boring.  Too tedious to view.   (Again… few do.)

Your website videos should have animation, compelling stories, unexpected surprises.  They should be real, spontaneous, largely-unscripted truth-on-film.  Moving images on a higher plane.

And the possibilities are endless.  Owners can have passionate personal conversations, one-to-one, just as they did back in the beginning.  Current customers can convert future ones.  Product demonstrations can be dramatized, analyzed and customized.  Video modules can find ever-larger audiences in eblasts, eBooks, vlogs and a wide variety of social media.

And thanks to new technology, it can all look like a million bucks.  No one needs to know that’s not what it costs.

“Moving Images. On a Higher Plane.”

Foundation For a Better Life, “Truck Stop”

Tubby’s, “Cars”

Shakespeare, “Ugly Stik”

Sumphonia, “I Was Glad” Music Video

Sumphonia, “Are All Hymnals Alike?”

Tiffin Motorhomes, “Family”